Weekend Schedule!

Thursday, September 7th – Early Arrivals and Pre-Festival Festival!

You must be checked in. There is no additional fee to arrive on Thursday. We ask that those who wish to arrive early to not arrive until AFTER 3:00 PMMeals are not provided for early attendees, so you may need to fend for yourself.

  • 3:00-5:00 PM – Early Pre-Festival Festival arrivals and registration. Come to the ‘Forest Inn’ cabin and sign in, get your character packet, and set up your tent if you are camping on site!

  • 3:00-5:00 PM- Field Games! This is a more casual and less ‘DnDFest’.  There will be some general field games for people to play if they wish…nothing DnDFest-centric.

  • 6:00 PM –Corn Roast! Beginning just about 6:00, we will have corn roasting on the grill.  This is free for everyone. …come and get it!  Another grill will be open for you to use as you wish, just bring your own charcoal and cooking accoutrements.

  • 8:30-10:00- Brian Bigley and the Cleveland Celtic Ensemble Performs! Just as the sun is setting on the first evening of the Festival, join us around the campfire with some of the Living NPCs and get to know your fellow comrades.  We will have the fabulous performance by Brian Bigley (https://brianbigleymusic.com/discography)! Well known for his skill at not only playing, but creating Uilleann pipes, Brian and his cohort will be filling the air with some mysterious Celtic music that will set the tone in a great way for the event.

 Friday, September 8th – Festival Begins!

  • 10:00 AM – 12:00PM- ARRIVALS – Welcome and Registration! Upon arrival, we ask that you check in first and then set up your campsite. At registration, you will be given a copy of your character sheet and other information for the Festival. Set up your tent and get ready to start their first session of adventure!

  • 11:00AM-12:30PM – Although we aren’t supplying lunch, we will have hotdogs for as long as they last as well as any left-over corn roasting.  Again, another grill will be open for you to use as you wish, just bring your own charcoal and cooking accoutrements.

  • 12:30PM-1:00PM:  STAFF MEETING.  All STAFF members are to report to the Cabin!

  • 1:30PM-1:50PMOrientation! We ask all attendees to gather IN THE PAVILION (closest to the cabin)…take a seat or stand away from the other gaming tables please…for a very brief orientation (If weather is bad, we will gather inside the building). We will answer any last-minute questions and provide guidance for the weekend right before you head off on your first session!

  • 2:00PM-6:00PM – Gaming Session 1: After Orientation, you will be dismissed to join your DMs and your teammates for your first gaming session!

  • 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM – Dinner:  A hearty Dinner will be served after the first gaming session. Meals will be served in the Forest Inn!  You can grab a table inside or outside.  Trash cans will be lined up by the sidewalk.

  • 7:30-10:00:  FEY CARNIVAL!!  The Fey Courts are in session, and the realms shimmer with enchantment and mischief. Join us for a celebration with Fey Carnies! Test your mettle in otherworldly games, and with coins clutched tight, win wonders beyond your wildest dreams! Seize this rare chance, adventurers; step into the dance and let the fey revelry begin!

  • 9:30 PM-11:00 PM  – Brian Kay Performs!  We have another special treat for you with another special musician!  2019 Grammy Award Winner, Brian Kay will be performing live!  Brian will be playing some truly ancient and more familiar instruments!   (briankaymusic.com) 


Saturday, September 10th – Adventures Continue!

  • 7:30 AM -8:30AM – Breakfast! Come into the Tavern and get yourself a warm breakfast provided by the award-winning “Gridirne Cookery”.

  • 9:00 AM -1:00 PM – Gaming Session 2 

  • 1:00 PM -3:00 PM – LUNCH and BREAK! Grab some lunch and take a break from all the fun! Take some time to Level up your character! (presuming you survived up to this point). 

  • 3:00 PM -7:00 PM – Gaming Session 3! Another round of adventure as the drama builds for all adventurers!

  • 7:00 PM- 8:00PM -  PIG ROAST DINNER! Enjoy some great food and drink in the tavern while you kick back with your fellow adventurers.

  • 8:00 PM-9:00PM:  Get ready for the Festival in the Forest’s Masquerade Ball!

  • 9:00PM – 11:30 Masquerade Ball – ‘Doors Open’.  – If you were lucky enough to obtain a ‘Golden Ticket’ to the Masquerade, then bring it with you!  Join other Fey characters in this fun Masquerade Ball!  The fantastic electric violin and cello music from Stellare Strings will be performing!

    • 9:30 PM - COSTUME CONTEST:  Attention, esteemed guests of the Masquerade Ball! Prepare to dazzle and shine in our grand Costume Contest! Have your entry forms at the ready and assemble in the designated lineup zone within the masquerade area. A panel of special judges awaits, eager to be enthralled by your creativity and flair. So adorn your best, step into the spotlight, and let the enchantment commence! (Remember, you are to get your entry forms when you register at your arrival to the DnDFest!)

  • 11:00PM Bonfire and Fun Stories! Join us by the bonfire and have a great time! Talk to the Live NPCs, DMs and Fellow Players. Enjoy yourself!

Sunday, September 11th – Adventures Continue and Conclusion!

  • 7:30 AM -8:30 AM – Breakfast! Another warm breakfast to give you energy for your final day!

  • 8:30-9:00 – GROUP PHOTO!  Be sure to join use for a great photo!  The photo is take on the deck and the hill in front of the deck of the cabin.  Get ready and we will have plenty of photos taken.  Stand and face towards the grill area as that’s where I will be with the camera!

  • 9:00 AM -12:00 PM – Gaming Session 4. The final conflict! Join your fellow adventurers on the final conflict…or is it?

  • 12:00 PM – Lunch Break! Grab your lunch and take a short break. Check with your DM to see how soon you must be back at their table. Gaming will continue after lunch with the same gaming session.

  • 1:00PM-3:00PM – Gaming Session 4 Continued!!!

  • 3:30PM – 4:00 PM Closing Ceremonies! Gather at the Forest Inn for the Closing Ceremonies.


As our grand escapade draws to a close, we're sending out a rallying cry to all!

Please Help, even a little helps a lot!!!

Any assistance in breaking down tents, tables, and chairs would be monumental! To be candid, 'me old bones are crying out and could truly use the might and magic of younger adventurers like you!'

Your help would not only lighten the load but also earn you eternal gratitude (and perhaps a few extra experience points!)


Our grand D&D extravaganza has a jam-packed schedule, and we NEED you to help us keep the questing on track! Here's the deal:

1.    Punctuality is Key! Be on time for your games. If you're late, your party may embark on their adventure without you!

2.    Stick to the Schedule! We all get that itch to uncover just one more secret or vanquish one more foe. But if your session overflows, it sends ripples through the whole event.

3.    Gentle Reminders: If you notice your DM is caught in the thrall of the game and running over, give them a friendly nudge to stay on time.

By keeping our games timely, we ensure every party gets their fair share of fun and excitement! Let's respect one another and make this event legendary!

Mealtime Protocol:

1.    Breakfast Bonanza: Morning's first light welcomes all! Wander to the cabin whenever your stomach calls and simply join the queue for your morning sustenance.

2.    Lunch & Dinner - Organized Indulgence: As the sun rises high and then dips low again, our feasting turns refined. We'll call forth each team in turns to the cabin, ensuring a swift and orderly procession. Stay alert, and when your team’s name resounds, step forth and claim your bounty!

3.    Stay Alert & Listen: Especially during lunch and dinner, tune those elven ears to heed your team's summons. Missed calls may lead to colder cuts and lesser spoils!

With your cooperation, we aim to feed the masses efficiently while ensuring everyone savors every bite! Cheers to a banquet fit for champions!







🎭 The Feystival Masquerade Ball & Costume Contest!