Into The Feywild!

Our Heroes returned once again to the Forest Inn after a brief respite and also to gather more clues. The Runda druids sought counsel from their other-worldly connections and those of the Feywild to learn more about how the adventurers can find and enter the long lost land of Tír na nÓg to recover ancient artifacts to aid them in defeating the malicious demigods that threaten the balance of the Feywild.

With urgency driving their quest, the players set out to locate an entrance into the Feywild, either through a mystical Fey Crossing or an enchanting Fey Bridge. Each passage they traverse reveals a different aspect of the Feywild, distinguished by its unique leadership, economy, dominant creatures, and rich culture. Their ultimate goal in this initial realm is to seek the counsel of an Arch Fey or a monarch of similar stature, hoping to uncover the whereabouts and rumored powers of the coveted artifacts.

However, as is often the case in tales of magic, not everything is straightforward. The players learn that the artifacts, potent tools against the demigods, are scattered across various Fey realms, each guarded and overseen by unique and powerful entities. Thus, their quest becomes a multi-faceted journey, each step taking them deeper into the heart of the Feywild and closer to the relics they seek.

Their subsequent quest leads them to another Fey realm, drastically different from the one they initially explored. Here, amidst new leaders, economies, and creatures, they must navigate the challenges and politics of the realm to retrieve the coveted artifact. Yet even with the artifact in hand, its full power remains dormant. The players discover they need an activator from a third Fey realm to unlock its potential.

In this third realm, the adventurers embark on a dual mission: to activate their artifact and secure tickets to the highly anticipated "Feystival in the Forest." This realm offers a plethora of opportunities, from striking deals with fey leaders to plunging into treacherous territories in search of magic pools that might hold the key to awakening their artifact.

Through various riddles, clues, and perhaps a bit of fey mischief, the players also learn that the gateway to Tír na nÓg, the coveted realm of the gods, is accessible only during the Feystival in the Forest – a grand masquerade ball hosted in the neutral Feywild realm of An Trasnu. To attend this event, they must obtain golden tickets, either through clever bartering, completion of tasks, or perhaps even a bit of Feywild subterfuge.

The Feystival itself was an extravaganza of fey culture, dotted with duels, dances, and a critical scavenger hunt. With riddles in hand, the players had to navigate the festivities to find the essential items. Upon their successful retrieval, a gatekeeper granted them keys. These keys, if chosen wisely, unlocked the many locks on the enchanted door barring the gateway to Tír na nÓg. But as tricks are often played upon the unsuspecting in the Fey Realms, the Guardian cast one last trick upon old Piker…

Upon opening of the door, they Feywild magic transported the Runda, Piker, from the outhouse as he was ‘taking care of business’ to behind the door to Tír na nÓg. Much to the embarrassment of the old druid, when the door to Tír na nÓg was unlocked and opened, there sat Piker with his drawers around his ankles before the entire gathering of the masquerade ball! But, the door to Tír na nÓg was open for the adventurers! Once inside Tír na nÓg, the real challenge began.

The adventurers learned that many, many centuries ago, the Tuatha Dé Danann, faced with the wrongdoing of the Úa demigods, sought to punish them. These demigods, who were part-gods themselves, were cast into a deep slumber during a feast in Tír na nÓg. While they slept, the gods enacted a spell using wild magic to strip the demigods of their knowledge and powers. This spell, however, had unintended consequences, weakening the protective barriers of Tír na nÓg itself. The gods' spell weakened the wards of Tír na nÓg against the wild magic of the void, trapping them inside. The Great Fairy Tree, linked to all other Fairy Trees in the world, was obstructed by wild magic, preventing the gods from leaving Tír na nÓg.

Over a thousand years, the gods expended their energy holding back the wild magic that had overtaken Tír na nÓg, bringing them to the brink of death. The estranged god, Morrigan,…commonly known as the Raven Queen, then appeared in the last moments, and captured the fading essences of the other gods, imprisoning them in her enchanted boxes. Before the last god, Dagda, faded away, he cursed the Morrigan by preventing her return to any of the Feywild realms or Tír na nÓg until the wild magic was restored in full in the vastness between the plans and Fey realms. Therefore, the only way to restore this heavenly realm was to eliminate the demigods within Tír na nÓg itself.

Thus was the primary adventure of the adventurers…enter Tír na nÓg, and defeat the U’a. Throughout this arduous journey, the players were not alone. The Forest Inn, a transcendent establishment, along with its owners, Piker and Miranda, served as a beacon of familiarity amidst the unpredictable Feywild. Additionally, the players were frequently assisted by some fey themselves, allies and emissaries who once served the gods and hold the secrets of the Raven Queen's betrayals. Through riddles, lore, songs, and tales, these fey characters guided the players, helping them piece together the grand tapestry of their adventure.

The players defeated the Ua demigods once and for all and their wild magic embedded within them was released into the ether. In the aftermath of the adventurer’s monumental victory, they stood over the fallen demigod.

The visible signs of combat wore heavily upon them all, a stark contrast to the bright surge of wild magic that spiraled upwards from the demigods corpse. Glowing with life, an energy intertwined with the landscape, reawakening the land of Tir na nOg. As the adventurers bore witness, the land seemed to take a deep breath of rejuvenation. Trees, long twisted, stood tall and robust. Meadows burst into a tapestry of radiant colors, a testament to the legendary beauty of the realm rekindling before their very eyes. Yet, amidst this symphony of renewal, a thundering sound captured their attention. A beam of pure, radiant light touched down, compelling the adventurers towards its source. Compelled by a mixture of awe and a deep sense of destiny, the heroes ascended the ridge of a hill. Crossing its peak, they saw a panoramic view of a vast, bowl-shaped field below them.

Dominating this expanse, upon a stone dais, stood a throne of ancient grandeur. The throne’s back was designed as dark wings, vast and imposing while fan out regally. The armrests, carved with timeless skulls, hinted at tales of dark power and legacy. Upon this throne sat a woman of haunting beauty that exuded a powerful, almost otherworldly allure. Her long, flowing black hair cascaded freely, against her pale skin and black hair. Her beauty was captivating; her eyes sharp and penetrating, betraying both wisdom and a warrior's fierceness. Every inch of her form spoke of strength, from the graceful curve of her neck to the determined set of her shoulders. She was elegance and power combined, a testament to both her royal stature and her readiness for battle. With an authoritative tone, she addressed a mass of ravens before her.

"Loyal messengers of the night, heed my words. Tir na nOg, my righƞul domain, shall echo once more with my reign without the unbearable poliƟcs of my brethren. Hear me, oh fey of the realms, that every being, must bow in allegiance or face the wrath of the ages and have their entrails eaten by my ravens. As the Shadowlands bow to me, the Feywild will do so once again. Harken to me, oh messengers, and here my words! You will spread my message to every hidden grove, every sacred stone. Tell the Arch Fey of my return and warn them: any who defy my rule shall perish, but those that support my claim will be highly rewarded. Lastly, fly to all the realms of Elladra. Tell their leaders and peasants alike that they should tremble, for war approaches their borders. Tell them that they face not just a queen of the Fey , but the embodiment of war itself."

With her final words, the ravens took to the skies, their cacophonous cries form a chilling harbinger of what's to unfold. A tangible tension weaves through the air, wrapping around the heroes like a foreboding shroud. Recognizing the gravity of the impending conflict, the path became clear: The heroes must go back to An Trasnu with all haste. Rally all forces, unite with your fellow adventurers and perhaps find unlikely allies. The adventurers realized that the battle against the demigods was just a ploy and prelude; a greater storm now looms on the horizon. The Raven Queen is making war upon us all! For now, the great heroes of the New Kingdoms must travel to The Raven’s Labyrinth!


DnD Fest Update
