Final Update!

I just wanted to provide a final update before our weekend DnD Fest!  I hope you are as excited as we are for the final year of the Chronicles of the Undying saga.  This year’s chapter is The Raven’s Labyrinth!

Here are some last-minute things to keep in mind:

·        Parking:  Parking is tight for the location.  Please keep close to the vehicle next to you (but not too close!!!).  There are 2 Handicap Parking spots, so don’t use them if you aren’t.  PARKING PERMITS need to be filled out: (  IF YOU CAN RIDESHARE, PLEASE DO!

 ·        Registration:  Registration will be open Friday between 10:00 - 1:00 and any other time we can do it on Thursday.  Here, you will get your character packet that includes your character sheet and gold. If   haven’t signed the waiver form yet, please do now because it will save time at registration.  You can do it on mobile and takes seconds: (

 ·        Merchandise:  This definitely is a not-for-profit event.  The thing that offsets some debt is the selling of DnD Fest Merchandise.  Please support the event and also grab some great deals…the binders are my favorite this year.  We have moved the Merchandise tent to the front of the cabin.  Because of everything else going on, we will have scheduled hours listed on the whiteboard!

 ·        Weather:  It’s still a tad early, but it should be nice Thursday and most of Friday but they are calling for rain Friday night and Saturday morning with cooler weather Saturday and Sunday.  Be prepared for warm, cold, wet, and dry weather…Welcome to Ohio.

 ·        Corn/Potato Roast on Thursday: For those who are coming for the ‘Pre-Fest’, we will have a corn roast and potato roast on Thursday evening.  This is free to attendees so just come up to the grills and grab one!  When they are gone, they are gone!

 ·        Hot Dogs on Friday:  I will have the grill fired up on Friday late morning and cooking hot dogs.  These too are free, but if it is not your thing, we can certainly share the grill for you to cook your own!  There is a second grill, but be sure to bring your own grilling accessories and charcoal!

 ·        Meals:  Meals are catered by Gridirne Cookery which has been our caterer for the past few years.  We had a ‘last call’ for those who are vegetarians, so if your name isn’t on the posted list (see website), you are counted as an omnivore.  All meals will be called by TEAM in ‘wedding style’.  Included Meals are Friday Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Sunday lunch and dinner.  Full Menu is located here:

 ·        Gaming and Gaming Areas:  As you know, this event is different than most DnD Events you have played.  Please make sure you are at the tables on time and ending on time.  If you are going over more than 5 minutes, you are going to impact all of the other parties at the event.  Keep your fellow players and DMs on schedule!  Also, don’t leave empty drinks, containers, trash or anything in the areas.  There are plenty of garbage cans.  The pavilion is a gaming area too and leaving garbage around impact us all.  Your help in keeping things clean is helpful.

 ·        NPCs Involvement:  Don’t miss the interactions with the NPCs in the encampment this year!  The NPCs have some information, and maybe some special items for you to purchase (in game currency).  Engaging with them will be very important for you in the defeat of the Raven Queen!

 ·        Smoking:  Remember, no smoking in any area except parking lot and Firepit area.  No smoking by your campsites.  Smoking only allowed in designated areas.  Absolutely no marijuana smoking.  By state and park law, regardless if you have a permit, are you allowed to smoke it in a public area.  This facility is a public area.

 ·        Does Something Need to Be Addressed?  If something needs to be addressed…garbage filled, out of TP in the bathrooms, water jugs empty, whatever, please let Piker, Miranda, or any of the other NPCs know!


Another Amazing Year! Conclusion to The Chronicles of the Undying!


DnD Feast!