Chronicles of the Undying - Campaign Summary


I recognize there are all types of players who attend the DnD Fest. Some are more passive and casual gamers and others are much more involved in the lore and stories of the participants. Over the past several months, I have been more attuned to supporting the latter type of person, adding somewhat rich stories and lore into the websites for people to read, digest, and come forward with their own theories and insights into the entire plot of the campaign.

I realize there is a LOT out there now that might be a bit overwhelming for the more passive and casual gamer. So, I’ve taken the action to go through every one of these information-packed stories and have pulled out summary bullets so you can skim through and get (mostly) caught up. This might be a good list even for the players who relish the detailed stories just in case something was missed. I hope this list brings everyone up to speed on the campaign, the nuances, involved parties, and even politics to some extent that is part of the world. Please let us know on Discord or Facebook if you have any questions!


Chronicles of the Undying - Campaign Summary

  • The 'Trial of Champions' has been an annual event organized to commemorate the sacrifices that heroes made during the Shadow Wars. It is held near a place called Hinckle, on the far western frontier of the Kingdom of Calledras.

  • The festival is a ceremony to honor apprentices who have exceeded in their apprenticeships and completed their training with exceptional skill, selected by guild masters from various guilds across the New Kingdoms. The event also serves as a challenge, with participants tasked to recover a hidden relic from the Shadow Wars.

  • The challenges of the Trial resulted in dangerous encounters and very unexpected dangers in the form of attacks from goblins, swamp creatures, and Dragonborn cultists. Some even discover their guild masters have been murdered or gone missing. The parties of former apprentices discover that the Dragonborn cultists are behind these events and have sinister plans to resurrect ancient powers to aid in their religious crusade against the New Kingdoms.

  • The Runda, a druidic circle who have organized the Festival for centuries assists the adventurers, seeking out lore and enabling them to utilize the magical Fairy Tree, that allows the adventurers to be transported to The Great Swamp to stop the Dragonborn cultists. There, they successfully disrupt the Dragonborn's rituals, preventing the awakening of a dark entity.

  • The adventurers manage to return to the Forest Inn and Tavern, having thwarted a potential threat to the New Kingdoms. The outcome of their mission suggests they have averted what could have been a long and brutal war.

  • The details of the rituals, including the use of mysterious black obelisks that had secretive and ancient writing on them and various manifestations of ancient runes, raise questions that concern the druids (the Runda).

  • Despite their victory, months after defeating the Dragonborn, the heroes begin to suffer from nightmarish dreams and other unexplained ailments, which the Runda suspect may be related to the obelisks.

  • Investigations by the Runda return at the sites of the Dragonborn rituals in the Great Swamp reveal the disappearance of the large and obviously magical obelisks and similar incidents involving other obelisks in different locations.  This was suggesting a larger and more complex issue at hand and a very powerful entity, far more powerful than the Dragonborn cultists who were influenced by evil druids known as the Dark Runda.

  • This realization marks a shift from celebrating the heroes' success to a more ominous atmosphere as the (good) Runda worry about what the future may hold as the Dark Runda know many ancient secrets.

  • Through divination and clues, the Runda find out that the obelisks are ancient warnings of banished evils put in place by the gods.  The Runda believe that the Dark Runda are trying to free the evil beings somehow for certainly evil purposes.

  • Heroes afflicted by nightmares and physical/mental ailments after the Dragonborn encounter are called back to the Forest Inn, where they learn the obelisks have imprinted on them ancient horrors and memories of the banished evil beings.

  • Adventurers are sent across the world through the fairy tree to find and destroy the relocated obelisks, hoping this would eliminate the ailments.

  • The adventurers destroy the obelisks, uncovering peculiar items and symbols that assemble into puzzles; upon solving, they hear whispering voices and discover three names.

  • The adventurers' afflictions worsen after the destruction of the obelisks, and the Runda reveal that they inadvertently awakened dark entities imprisoned in the obelisks.

  • It's discovered that these evil entities, called the Uá, are ancient demigods imprisoned by their godly parents, and that the Dragonborn and even the Dark Runda, unknowingly attempted to awaken a power greater than they understood.

  • The adventurers, to combat their worsening conditions, are sent on missions to help neutral fairy folk and when they successfully answered the riddles correctly, the fairy tree folk lifted the heroes' afflictions.

  • After a night of rest, the adventurers confronted the Dark Runda and the Uá, defeating the former but the Uá escaped to the Feywild, the plane where they were created and where they can regain their full powers.

  • Adventurers are asked to seek out and destroy the demigods who are a threat to all those on the prime material as the demigods will want to seek to dominate the mortals once again.

Ancient Lore:

Ø  The Tuatha Dé Danann is pantheon of god-like beings who lived in "Tír na nÓg", a paradise in the Fey realms. These gods bestowed knowledge and skills on mortals, leading to the creation of a fruitful society.  Over time, the mortals began and continued warring with each other, causing great strife.

Ø  In response to a plea from a worshipper named Braha, the Tuatha Dé Danann mated with mortals who gave birth to a race of demigods known as the Úa.  These demigods were tasked with guiding the mortal races and promoting peace.

Ø  Over time, the Úa became corrupted by their mortal halves and started to engage in wars for control and dominance, causing widespread destruction and chaos.

Ø  Many years later, after another mortal named Marra beseeched the Tuatha Dé Danann to intercede, the gods took action against their corrupted offspring. They stripped the Úa of their divine powers and memory, then confined their essences into giant stone obelisks with ruinic warnings upon them.

Ø  The Tuatha Dé Danann decided to punish the Úa severely for their actions. The gods punished the demigods by casting a mighty spell made of the wild magic within the great void surrounding the Feywild realms.  The Tuatha Dé Danann struggled to punish the demigods because they were also half-gods, but they decided to act against their children due to the extent of their evil actions.

Ø  The gods mixed an elixir in mead that put all the Úa into a deep sleep during a feast in Tír na nÓg. While the Úa slept, the gods cast a spell to strip them of their knowledge and powers.  The spell weakened the protections of Tír na nÓg and required a great sacrifice. The Tuatha Dé Danann had trouble punishing their demigod offspring due to their own godly status and the gift of rebirth, whichwould have made them constantly at war with the demigods. The Tuatha Dé Danann decided to strip the demigods of their powers and knowledge with a powerful spell using wild magic, which weakened the protections of their paradise Tír na nÓg. The demigods were temporarily put to sleep during a feast, and when they woke up, they left Tír na nÓg and became mortal without memory of their past, although their godly essence remained.

Ø  The demigods were sent back to the mortal world without their memories of who they were. When the Úa awoke, they returned to the mortal world with no memories of who they were or their godly powers. Their supernatural essence remained, and when their mortal bodies died, their souls would pass to another infant's body. The gods placed stone obelisks around the world to warn mortals of corruption and mortal desires. The Tuatha Dé Danann monitored the demigods and the mortal realm from Tír na nÓg for many centuries.

Ø  King Dagda wanted a more direct influence in the mortal realm and tasked a mortal follower named Linnial to identify a group of pure-hearted and intelligent followers to be the Runda, the keepers of secrets. Each Tuatha Dé Danann taught a Runda member their godly skills and crafts, and some Runda were taught about the demigods and how to identify them. The Runda were forbidden to write down their secrets and were to teach another apprentice before they died.

Ø  Unfortunately, some Runda were corrupted by their secret knowledge and power, leading to the emergence of the Dark Runda who tapped into wild magic for power, causing them to become mad.

Ø  The obelisks, which were initially spread across the world, vanished and then reappeared in the Great Swamp among the Dragonborn tribes, carrying new inscriptions and incantations. The Dragonborn mistook these inscriptions as a means to free powerful draconic entities and acted upon it, releasing some of the Ua's essence.

Ø  Due to the Dragonborn's actions, the obelisks' magic weakened, causing the essence of the demigods to leak out, influencing people, creatures, and lands nearby.  The Dark Runda were assisting the Dragonborn cultists in the ways of magic to release the imprisoned Úa without the Dragonborn directly knowing what the Úa were.

Ø  With their essences released and their knowledge being returned by the dark Runda, the demigods have retreated to the FeyWild to regain their powers and ally with the fey.

Ø  The Runda have been worried because the release of the Úa seem to be part of a greater plot by an even more powerful entity, yet to be identified. This entity was responsible for shifting the obelisks to the Great Swamp and manipulating the Dragonborn into releasing the Ua's essence. This is a mystery that needs to be unraveled, hinting at a hidden adversary with great power.

Of the Tuatha De Dannan:

  • The Tuatha Dé Danann are the creators of the Ua and have influenced the world in significant ways.

  • Each god among the Tuatha Dé Danann holds a unique place in both the natural and Fey world.

  • The Runda, Piker, states he has spent most of his life in devotion to the Tuatha Dé Danann but has struggled to feel their essence. Despite moments of doubt and the fear of the gods' might fading away, Piker holds on to hope and seeks to rekindle the bond between himself and the gods. He wonders whether the essence of these gods is still strong or dwindling.

  • Dagda is the father of the gods, known for his wisdom, power, and sense of humor.He wields an enchanted club with the power to shape destinies. He played a harp so enchanting that the stars danced. He owns the Cauldron of Plenty, providing endless sustenance and healing. The Fey offer him gratitude through natural beauty.

  • Breege is the radiant goddess of fire, hearth, and poetry.She is a nurturing figure, known for her compassion and creativity. Associated with healing and fertility. Her sacred flame, tended by priestesses, symbolizes her eternal presence. She serves as a beacon of hope and warmth to her followers.

  • Other gods include Cernunnos, Lugh, Morrigan, Nuada, Goibhnu, Dian Cecht, and Lir.  There are more than this list, but these are the gods Piker speaks of most.

  • Cernunnos is a god revered for his connection to nature, symbolizing harmony and balance between mortals and the wild.

  • Lugh is a god of many talents and master of all crafts, inspiring fey and fairy creatures to pursue their passions.

  • Morrigan is a goddess of war who commands respect and fear among the fey, and is seen as a figure of strength and resilience.

  • Nuada, the former king, is seen as a noble and just ruler, representing unity and strength. His wisdom from ruling a realm is greatly admired.

  • Goibhnu is a divine blacksmith whose skill is unmatched, creating weapons and artifacts of immense power that are greatly valued.

  • Dian Cecht, the master of healing and medicine, is a figure of solace and comfort who brings hope and restoration to those in distress.

  • Lir, the god of the sea, provides life-giving waters to both land and sea and protects sea creatures from the dangers of the ocean.

  • Despite the diversity of these gods, their presence is revered by both fey and fairy creatures, and their influence is felt across every aspect of the realm.

  • All but one god lived in Tír na nÓg as this god was a bit estranged from the other gods. This god was dark and moody, but not evil. A god of chaos, and a god easily bored that liked to stir things in the mortal and immortal realms just for fun.

Of Cold Iron:

  • Cold iron is described as a unique type of metal, shaped by the moon herself during the night when her light shines fullest. It is forged in a sacred process involving silver hammers, the light of the moon, and a torrential downpour.

  • The unique properties of cold iron include its ability to resist the magic of the fairies, which can help adventurers establish safe havens against fairy enchantments and prevent unwelcome intrusions.

  • Piker also shares a story where he and his companion used cold iron to nullify a fairy contract. A fairy queen who tried to ensnare them in a web of bargains was forced to speak the truth due to the influence of the cold iron, saving Piker and his mouse from falling into her trap.

  • The wisdom imparted by Piker to his listeners suggests that understanding the nature of cold iron and its application can prove crucial in their future encounters with the fairy folk, especially in the Feywild, a plane known to be heavily influenced by fairy magic.

  • While cold iron can be an effective weapon, it can also provoke the Fey's wrath and should be handled with care.


Of Fey Essence

  • 'Fey Essence,' is a magical substance found within the Feywild. This substance is often found encased within crafted items or elements of nature.

  • Fey Essence has high magical value, equivalent to a considerable amount of gold, and can be used as a substitute for traditional components in spellcasting.

  • Using a jewel imbued with Fey Essence, adventurers can cast spells with increased ease and expertise.

  • The Feywild is a magical realm filled with separate mini-planes known as Fey realms, each with its unique creatures, magics, rulers, and laws.

Of the Feywild

  • There are many fey realms, several of these Fey realms are described, including Erellia, Lumindor, Annwfn, Thornsylvan, Frostholm, Zephyria, and Aerule.

  • The Feywild's Fey realms are filled with untamed beauty and perilous creatures, and each realm is separated from the others by chaotic magics that make direct travel nearly impossible.

  • Two specific realms are elaborated: Tír na nÓg, a former abode of gods now lost to legend, and An Trasnu', a neutral bridge among all Feywild realms where no Fey permanently reside.

  • Tír na nÓg, once filled with beauty and the Great Fairy Tree, has been overtaken by wild magics and is now a place of legend with almost all connections to other realms destroyed.

  • An Trasnu' serves as a neutral ground for the fey beings to conduct dealings and hosts the Fey Courts, ensuring peace and neutrality among the realms.

  • On a specific cycle the Fey Courts meet, a gathering of the Arch Fey and their allies in An Trasnu', the neutral territory)  for discussions, negotiations, and alliances.

  • The Feystival in the Forest, is an event marking the conclusion of the Fey Courts and involving music, revelry, and non-violent duels to settle disputes.

  • The Fey Courts consist of various gatherings, including the Royal Court for the Arch Fey and minor courts for addressing other affairs. The courts settle disputes through non-violent means, such as games and dances.

  • The Feystival in the Forest is an opportunity for members of the Fey Courts, including special ticket holders, to partake in celebrations and duels.

  • The Forest Inn, has some connection with Fey magic and can shift between the Prime Material Plane, the Feywild, and even the Realms of Shadow. During the Feystival, the Inn makes its connection to the Fey realms.

  • A warning about the Fey Guardian is given, a powerful being that even the Arch Fey avoid.

 Other Tidbits

  • The Shadow wars, nearly two centuries over, between the mortal races and the dark allies of the Shadow Lord ravaged the world. Greed, tyranny, starvation, death, and destruction is common across every kingdom and across every continent within the world of Elladra.

  • Over time, the dragonborn race, being so different than the other races, were used as scapegoats for the woes of the world. They were a race held in contempt by other races and they were relegated to live far away from other mortal kingdoms and to live in the Great Swamp.

  • A society viewed in contempt, the Dragonborn hated the other races that put them in such an impoverished state. Religious zealotry began to rise to rally the Dragonborn to fight back. Religious cults, led by dragonborn shaman, rallied the Dragonborn in different villages of the Great Swamp and coordinated themselves to rise up against the other mortal kingdoms.


Calling All Able Adventurers!


The Forest Inn and the Fey Realms