The Complete Adventurer

Welcome to our January update of the “The Complete Adventurer”!  The beginning of the year is one where we have been brainstorming and collaborating on things for the upcoming DnD Fest.  The staff planning party isn’t until late February this year, but I feel we are already well aligned on the fun adventurers and activities for the 2023 DnD Fest! 

Planning and Teams:  Planning is well-underway, and the teams are already planning out their fun adventures for all of you.  We will once again have 6 teams of 3 DMs and follow the same model that we did last year, where the parties on your team will rotate through 3 DMs and play with their 1st DM in their 4th session again to tie up the storyline.  The teams this year will be:

·        Team A: Jim Carsone, Chris Beason, Keith Cavey

·        Team B: Dave Kasper, Dan Becker, Adam Wine

·        Team C: Ed Fife, Doug Hettich, Joe Calfo

·        Team D: Steve Sabo, Greg Peterson, Mike Slawienski

·        Team E: Cheryl Clark, John Clark, Nimi Becza

·        Team F: Tom Smith, Matt Kirkpatrick, Joe Kenderes

 (Change: on Team D, Teil and Dylan had to drop the Festival due to work and Greg and Mike graciously stepped forward to volunteer as DMs for the weekend!)

Ticket Sales:  Those who attended last year will have a period of at least a couple of weeks to purchase their tickets again, so there is no need to rush for your seats.  Your ticket is reserved for that period and all you must do is send it your payment. 

·        MARCH, 2023: We are targeting sometime in March to start accepting prior-year attendee tickets.  ONLY PRIOR-YEAR ATTENDEES have their seats reserved and only those tickets can be purchased.  In other words, you will not be able to purchase tickets for friends during this period.

·        APRIL, 2023:  Ticket sales for any remaining tickets will go on sale.  We are targeting April 1st right now for this, but we will probably not have a specific date for a few weeks.

·        PRICING: I hope you all know by now that Pam and I try to hold-down any price increases to this event.  Over the past year, we all have been hit with significantly high inflation and costs for everything have skyrocketed.  This is impacting the Festivals in the Forest as well.  Our largest cost for the event is the food catering and we still are unable to get quotes.  I am hoping to have those by the end of February.  I expect ticket prices to increase, but I just don’t by how much just yet. 


Schedule:  We are going to have some adjustments to the weekend schedule this year. We will finalize this a bit more as time gets closer, but for early planning, here is what it is looking like:

·        Thursday:  Pre-Festival Fun.  Players can arrive at 3:00pm. 

·        Friday:  Orientation 1:30pm-2:00pm; Session 1 Game: 2:00pm-6:30pm (4.5 hours); Dinner: 6:30pm-7:30pm; Fey Carnival: 8:00pm-11:30.

·        Saturday:   Breakfast: 7:30am-8:30am; Group Picture taking 8:30am-9:00am; Session 2: 9:00am-1:30 (hot grab and go lunch at noon); Break 1:30pm- 3:00pm (Players level up); Session 3: 3:00pm - 7:00pm (4 hour session); Dinner: 7:00-8:00; Masquerade Ball 8:30pm-11:00pm

·        Sunday: Breakfast: 7:30am-8:30am; Session 4: 9:00am-3:30 (hot grab and go lunch at noon); Closing Ceremony 3:30-4:00

**One thing we will be implementing is a call to meals by teams.  This will allow teams to keep playing while another team is getting their food.  This way we can avoid the long lines and delays we experienced last year!


Characters:  This year, your characters will be starting at 7th Level (or combo of multi-levels to equal 7th)!  You ended last year at 6th level so you will need spend some time to ‘level up’ for the upcoming year.   Last year character sheets will be scanned before the end of March and made available to each of you so you can use that as a starting point. Also, don’t be surprised, but your characters will once again ‘level up’ after session 2 this year so be prepared!  This is, of course, if your character survives session 2!!  Bwahahahaha!!

·        March:  Your 2022 Character sheets will be scanned and made available to each player. 

·        May: Each player will use a Google Doc Template and populate their 2023 character sheet. These will be placed in an accessible location for you and your DMs to manage.

·        June:  DMs will review any changes

DISCORD!!! Remember, you are strongly advised to use our Discord Server for discussions, staying together with team members, working through theories of the campaign, and a whole lot more! Our server name is “DnDFest” :-)


Ticket Sales! - SOLD OUT

